Opening hours
You can visit the museum every Sunday between 1 pm and 5 pm. Last admission is at 4.30 pm.
The museum is closed on bank holidays.
Guided group tours are possible daily by prior arrangement.
Forging demonstrations take place on the first Sunday of every month.
Free entry.
The exhibition is labelled in two languages throughout (German and English).
The museum is accessible.
Photography is permitted without tripod and flash. Please advise us beforehand in writing if the photography is to be used in publications.
Guided group tours
We offer guided tours through the exhibition for groups of 8 persons up to a max. 25 persons. Please contact us using our contact form.
You should plan about 90 minutes for a visit including our guided tour; the guided tour lasts approximately 60 minutes. After this, you have the opportunity to explore the exhibition and the coach houses.